Kanoe brings over 10 years of experience as a social worker to create a better life for residents of Hawaiʻi. Growing up at the Cultural Learning Center at Kaʻala Farms in Waiʻanae Moku, Oʻahu has helped Kanoe bring a culturally grounded approach to his many roles as a case manager, youth development worker, collective impact convener, and educator. Kanoe is rooted in place and is a tireless advocate for the natural resources, peoples and cultures that make Hawaiʻispecial. Kanoeʻs gifts include the ability to take cultural and community knowledge and weave it into tools and strategies that are effective, efficient, and pono. Kanoe has a degree in Hawaiian Studies from the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, a Masterʻs Degree in Social Work, and currently teaches social work in the University of Hawaiʻi system. Kanoe serves onnumerous boards, community groups, and collective impact initiatives.